Exploration of Dwelling Space Through Design of a Tiny Home
To live on a public property allows for little privacy and thus makes your life very open to those who frequent the area often. From this idea I wanted to design a tiny home that was representative of the theories and plot points established in 1984. I project these thoughts through my design and thus represent the ideas of totalitarianism V.s. liberty in my structure and the surrounding site. Through this, the themes of George Orwell's 1984 can understood without ever having read the book.
Site Visit
Farmingdale State College Giving Garden
Location: Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, New York, USA
The giving garden is a project funded by Farmingdale State College to allow students to produce fresh produce for those who are food insecure on Long Island. Roughly 50'x100' I was tasked to go on a site visit as a way to prepare for the upcoming design I was tasked in creating.

Pictured to the left is the garden part of Farmingdale's giving garden. As it was one of the main points of the site I felt it was important to get the measurements of these plots (8'-3") and incorporating more of them into the final design as to increase production.

This is the view in which I chose for the open part of my design to show. This is important as I try to tell the story of totalitarianism vs. liberty. More specifically, expressing the openness a government that follows liberty as compared to the closed off nature of one in which is totalitarian.

This is the view in which I chose for the back of my structure. Notice the factory-esc bland and ugly feel of this angle. I use this to side of the site to express totalitarianism and the imposing feeling it gives off on its people.
Depicted here is a video from the center of the site showing every side. It is important to understand the factory feel of the back and the nature feel for the front to understand the theory of my project.

Sun Angle Analysis




Cover Sheet

Site Plan

Floor Plan


